Like nowhere else the SafetyWeek is the place where the full spectrum of active and passive automotive safety is presented. The unique combination of knowledge congress, thematic events and trade show brings participants and visitors up-to-date in the latest developments and technologies. Both on safety products and systems as well as on enabling technologies for development.
Moreover, SafetyWeek is the ideal place to establish and maintain your network. Experts from all over the world use the SafetyWeek since 2003 for their discussions and the exchange of information.
SafetyWeek 2012 in Aschaffenburg will again feature many highlights:
- the 9th Knowledge Congress SafetyUpDate
- the Trade Show SafetyExpo
- the networking event SafetyXchange
Be part of the SafetyWeek 2012 and benefit from the significance of this meeting point for the automotive safety world.
More information here