8 functionalities, 28 partners, 1000 vehicles... One Field Test


euroFOT has brought together a comprehensive array of organisations to test intelligent vehicle systems across Europe. Car manufacturers, suppliers, universities, research institutes and others stakeholders – in all 28 organisations are involved. The aim: to make road transport safer, more efficient and more pleasant!



Testing new transport technologies

Field operational testing is widely recognised as an effective instrument to test new transport technologies in the real world. Previous experience in Europe, the US and Japan has shown that field trials are an excellent way to raise awareness, collect real data, and enhance the take-up of ICT solutions. Field Operational Tests (FOTs) have also proved to be a powerful tool for gaining insight into the way new functions and systems suit the user when operated in a real context, and for a sufficiently long time to  have statistically sound data.


In Europe, such testing has traditionally been carried out at national level, but there is now a growing need to incorporate these tests into a common European framework. The challenge is to promote the use of a common methodology for such testing, so that the results can be shared and compared at both European and national level. 

The euroFOT approach

The field testings of euroFOT focus on 8 distinct functions that assist the driver in detecting hazards, preventing accidents and making driving more efficient. Over the course of one year, more than 1000 cars and trucks equipped with a range of different intelligent technologies are tested on European roads across France, Germany, Italy and Sweden. During this field testing, a multitude of sensors and devices monitor every aspect of individual driver behaviour in real-world traffic conditions. Questionnaires are also used to get driver feedback on the usefulness of the various systems.


The vehicle management centres (VMC) play a key role in collecting the data from more than 1000 vehicles. They provide an operational platform for the entire project where practical details are treated in line with the recommendations made during FOT preparation and piloting.


Research questions


The analysis of the data gathered in real-world traffic conditions with ordinary drivers is expected to highlight several crucial aspects of the intelligent vehicle systems. The project will mainly adress the following research issues:


   What are the performance and capability of the systems?

   How does the driver interact with and react to the systems?
   What are the impacts on safety, efficiency, and on the environment?

The results of this project are expected to contribute greatly to supporting the decision-making process to deploy these new transport technologies on the market.